Fordońska 40

85-719 Bydgoszcz

Polmass S.A.

Energy drink – Ketomix – liquid

Energy drink – Ketomix – liquid

Polmass S.A.

A specialist liquid energy concentrate for cows with high milk yield. Prevents and treats clinical and subclinical ketosis.

Special features:

  • in a liquid form, which is especially recommended for clinical and subclinical ketosis,
  • the composition of high-energy ingredients, such as propylene glycol, sugar alcohols, sodium propionate, works immediately in symptomatic forms of ketosis, i.e. lack of appetite, apathy, weight loss, decreased efficiency.

Application benefits:

  • high efficiency in the prevention and treatment of ketosis,
  • convenient to use and feed directly to the feed table,
  • fodder that is logged or mixed with KETOMIX is very eagerly eaten by animals,
  • increases the use of feed nutrients,
  • improving the overall health of the cows.


Recommended dosage:

In the calving period: KETOMIX liquid is recommended to be used during this period for 6 weeks, regardless of the balanced ration, as an “extra” supplement.

KETOMIX dose: 0.5-1.0 liters per head / twice a day, pour on the feeding table or mix with the feed. KETOMIX can be dissolved in water in a 1: 1 ratio.


In year-round feeding: Based on liquid KETOMIX, it is possible to balance roughage and pasture and dose it depending on the other components of the ration.

After giving birth, each cow is weakened, there is a shortage of energy and electrolytes. To ensure the cow’s quick regeneration, the proven Turbo Drink should be administered immediately after giving birth, which “puts the cow on its feet”.

Packaging: 10 l and 30 l