Fordońska 40

85-719 Bydgoszcz

Polmass S.A.

Vitamix KW Somatic

Vitamix KW Somatic

Polmass S.A.

Vitamix KW Somatic. A mixture of minerals and vitamins that reduce the number of somatic cells in the milk of high-yield cows. Vitamix KW Somatic is a mixture of minerals and vitamins for lactating cows having problems with milk quality. Proper balance of macro and microelements and vitamins, the content of organic forms of zinc, copper and manganese, as well as a high amount of vitamin E and selenium regenerate the condition of the teat canal epithelium and increase the cow’s immunity. The use of this mixture along with the rules of milking technology and hygiene, allows to reduce the number of somatic cells in milk. Long-term use of this supplement reduces the amount of lameness in the herd.

Packaging: 20 kg